Teenager Posts #71-80

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71. Instead of LOL, try LSIMHBIWFEFMTALOL, Laughing Silently In My Head Because It Wasn't Funny Enough For Me To Actually Laugh Out Loud.

72. Person: You're ugly.

Me: Good. I was trying to look like you today.

73. I can insult my best friend... But, if you do? You're going down.

74. I get suspicious when I see "All of the above" on a test.

75. *battery low. Please connect charger* Um, you're a smart phone. Connect yourself.

76. That random shiver you get every once in a while.

77. I hate when websites ask, "Are you a human?" Umm, hello? I'm obviously a unicorn.

78. Thank God, people can't hear what I'm thinking.

79. That awkward moment when it's quiet in class and your stomach decides to make that dying whale sound.

80. OK, I'm getting out of bed in 10 seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9...

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