Stupid Questions #1-7

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S = Situation, Q = Question, A = Answer


S: *waiter asking about an empty plate*

Q: "Are you done with that?"

A: "Nah, I'm going to eat the plate too."


S: *Person standing in someone's office*

Q: "Are those your kids?"

A: "No, I haven't got any so I borrowed these pictures from a colleague.


S: *going with girlfriend to the movies*

Q: Is this lady with you?

A: No, the extra ticket is for my imaginary friend that's coming in a few minutes.


S: *in the bus and an obese woman steps on your feet*

Q: Sorry! Did that hurt?

A: No, not at all. I'm on local anesthesia. Why don't you try again?


S: *someone sees you with shorter hair*

Q: Hey! Have you had a haircut?

A: Nah! It's autumn, my hairs shedding!


S: *someone calls a land-line*

Q: Where are you?

A: I'm in a market with a telephone around my neck!


S: *in a restaurant*

Q: Would you like a table?

A: No, I came to the restaurant to eat on the ground. A carpet for 5 please.

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