Teenager Posts #201-210

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1. "Message sent failed. Would you like to retry?" Well, OBVIOUSLY, I was sending it for a reason.

2. I'm not always rude and sarcastic. Sometimes I'm asleep.

3. People need to understand that sarcasm is so much more than a hobby... it's a way of life.

4. If she replies to your sarcasm with sarcasm instead of just getting offended....She's a keeper!

5. I hate it when people don't understand my sarcasm.... They ruin everything.

6. "This door is alarmed." What startled it?

7. I have decided to cut back on being sarcastic. I solemnly swear to only be sarcastic on days that begin with T like... Tuesday, Thursday, Today, and Tomorrow.

8. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.

9. I don't hate you, I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence.

10. I never said I hated you. I just said that if you were on fire, I might consider roasting marshmallows. Big difference.

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