Funny Sayings #191-200

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Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am starting to have trouble finding more but I will keep up the funny work. I hope you enjoy this instalment.



191. I think that stupid people were put on this planet to test my anger management skills.

192. That awkward moment when you're checking yourself out in the window of another car and realize there's actually somebody inside.

193. If people were influenced by video games then the majority of Facebook users would farmers by now.

194. My teacher pointed at me with his ruler and said: “At the end of this ruler there's an idiot!” I got detention after asking which end.

195. Next time someone rings your home phone, test their intelligence by replying with, “Hi, can I call you back. I'm driving.”

196. The 12-step Chocoholics program. Never be more than 12 steps away from chocolate.

197. Don't lead, I'll wander off bored. Don't follow, I'll get you lot. Walk beside me and held me cause trouble.

198. When you're stressed, you eat ice cream, chocolate, and sweets. YOU KNOW WHY? Because “stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts.”

199. Quitting Facebook is the new, adult version of running away from home.

200. That awkward moment when you are yelling at someone and you mess up a word. And it ruins the seriousness...

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