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I was tagged by KitWells

These are the rules!! Now, I admit, I added one to the end.

You have to post the rules
You have to tag 13 people
You can tag back
You have to post 13 facts
You have to answer 13 questions asked by the person who tagged you

"I don't do tags" is not an acceptable answer
You will be reminded in a week if you forget

If you have already done the tag, then you can refuse unless you wish to do it again.

13 Questions for Tagged

1. Favorite Musical?

Phantom of the Opera

2. Favorite TV show?

Andy Grifth or I Love Lucy (really can't choose)

3. Coffee or Tea?

Southern Sweet Tea. (25% tea, 75% sugar.)

4. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Southwest Texas (Hill country)

5. Would you ever go skydiving?

Nope. I hate heights.

6. Have you ever left the country you live in?


7. Would you ever get a tattoo or piercing, other than your ears?


8. Favorite movie series?

LOTR and the Hobbit

9. Do you have a pet?

Yes, 3 horses, 150 chickens (2 of which live in the house with me on occasion), 6 ducks, 9 turkeys, 1 dog, and 6 cats. I also have 12 guinea fowl but they aren't pets. Those things are mean! And loud. Don't forget loud.

10. Winter or summer?

Winter. Summer is a killer in Texas.

11. Are you going watch the Olympics?

Nope. I don't have cable of any kind.

12. Lowest grade you have ever gotten on a report card?

Um, can't really remember. I've never really had a report card. But, I think my lowest grade might have been in the mid-70s. Can't be sure though.

13. Do you have a crush?

Yep and he's 16 years older than I am.

13 Facts:

1. I'm a Christian.

2. I'm more than obsessive about David Bowie.

3. I wish for Jareth to come and take me away from this place more frequently than is healthy to mention.

4. I am an only child.

5. I am a redneck and very proud of it.

6. I can fix anything with a hammer, nails and Duct Tape.

7. I want to go into politics when I grow up.

8. I hate wet/cold and wet/hot weather. HATE

9. I am obsessed with Phantom of the Opera.

10. I love Leroux!Erik. He is HOT.

11. I can't stand Ramin Karmiloo (sorry to all fans of his!)

12. I have a pillow with David Bowie's picture on it. And, I am not ashamed of it of that fact I sleep with it every night.

13. Gerard Butler is hot. Period. The End.


1. What is your favorite book?

2. Do you speak another language? If not, which language would you like to learn?

3. Favorite soft drink?

4. Are you a city person or a country person?

5. Do you like hunting or fishing? Or both?

6. Have you ever killed something? (Bugs don't count)

7. Favorite way to waste time? (You don't have to consider it a waste of time.)

8. Favorite Phantom of the Opera Movie if you have one? (If you don't know what I'm talking about...you are hereby instructed to watch them all.)

9. Favorite David Bowie song? (I'm sure all of us at least know one.)

10. Do you prefer night or day?

11. Do you have any irregular habits?

12. Least liked fictional character?

13. Do you prefer Erik or Jareth?

This is my list of tagged people:














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