Teenager Posts #161-170

164 8 3

1. I have like 64 different laughs all ranging from cute bunny giggles to run kraken is upon us.

2. During School: "What day is it?" "Friday, November 7th, 2012 at 11:41 am." During Summer: "What day is it?" "Probably June."

3. If people winked in real life as much as they wink in texts, the world would be an extremely creepy place ;).

4. If I had a dollar for every time someone spelled my name wrong, I could pay for college, semester abroad, a new car, and a mansion in cash.

5. When a boy gets jealous, it's kinda cute. But when a girl gets jealous, World War III is about to start.

6. "GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!!!!" "You mean, where my laptop, iPad, and phone are? Okay?"

7. I'm going to open a store next to Forever 21 and call it Finally 22.

8. *_______ has accepted your friend request.* "And the stalking begins!"

9. When I and my best friends are together, we act like the most mentally retarded people on the planet.

10. Oh no. Is that ____? OMOG! WALK WALK WALK.


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