Teenager Posts #121-130

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121. My room isn't dirty, I just have everything on display like a museum.

122. *school* In class: 1 + 2 = 3.

Homework: 1 + 2 + 8 = 11.

Test: If Timmy has 5 apples and gives 2 away, calculate the sun's mass.

123. I wish I could record my dreams and watch them later.

124. Congratulations! You've won a lifetime supply of air! Not valid under water, in space, when dead, or while choking.

125. Walking into your room and saying: "Wow I should clean this" then walking out.

126. I type things into Google to see if I spelled them correctly.

127. In math, I use this thing called the guess and hope method.

128. Me watching the Olympics: Woah! That was outstanding!

Announcer: Another devastating mistake!

129. That awkward moment when you see twins fighting and one of them calls the other ugly.

130. I didn't fall........the floor just needed a hug.

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