Fangirl Truths

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1. Trying to explain fandom things to non-fandom people is like trying to explain trigonometry to a dog except the dog won't judge you for knowing trigonometry.

2. We're a fandom. And fandoms are families. Family means no one sits alone at the mental institute.

3. Fangirls: We respond to (Insert Name) faster than I do to my own name...

4. Having a fandom is like having a family that understands you no matter how crazy you are.

5. Internet: Everyone is obsessed with the fandom. OFF THE INTERNET: YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE!

6. On my grave, it will read "regretting all the ships that never sailed" and some will think that its poetic, but other will know.

7. I'm not asking for "and they lived happily ever after!". I'm just asking for "and they lived."

8. It's not an obsession until you search for fanfiction. It's not a true obsession until you run out of fanfiction to read. And, it gets mighty real when you start writing fanfictions.

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