We Are Girls

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We are girls:

We run around the house while we brushing our teeth.

We read the shampoo bottle in the shower.

We laugh at our own jokes before we tell them.

We can read a sentence 10 times without understanding it.

We go into the shower and forget our towels, so we have to take a risky run to our bedrooms hoping nobody sees us.

We push doors, even when the bold letters in the front of us say pull.

We say “What?” even if we have understood everything someone has said.

We hate it when the wind messes up our hair.

We can see the same movie 10 times.

We have to call our own phone to find it.

We can look at the clock without seeing what ti it is.

We turn the pillow over to lie on the cold side.

We set the alarm clock to ring earlier in the morning so we can lay in the longer.

Before we go to bed we calculate how many hour we get to sleep.

We try to do things before the microwave beeps.

Close the fridge door really slow to see if the light stays on.

Try and balance the light switch between on and off.   

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