Teenager Posts #181-190

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1. Every time I say something witty: please don't think I'm flirting. I just want to establish myself as the funniest one here.

2. My idea of flirting is being as sarcastic as humanly possible and seeing if you can handle it.

3. Always remember if I take both my headphones out when you start talking to me you're special.

4. Pizza is the only love triangle I want.

5. Sleepover fact: the later it becomes, the more truth comes out.

6. I wish the light from my laptop screen could give me a tan.

7. The awkward moment when someone's zipper is down & you don't know whether to tell, because you can't explain why you were looking that low.

8. I remember when my best friend was shy and quiet, I created a monster.

9. If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?...

10. That awkward moment when someone asks you how old are you, and you have to think about it for a second.

Normal is Overrated (Joke and Funnies Book)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon