Funny Sayings #311-320

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1. If you see me smiling it's because I'm thinking of doing something evil. If you see me laughing it means I've already done it.

2. Today I feel like putting an "out of order" sticker on my head and going back to bed.

3. Square box, round pieces, triangle slices... I'M CONFUSED!!!

4. I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.

5. If sleep is good for the brain, why is it not allowed in school?

6. I hate when people ask me what I'm doing tomorrow...I don't even know what I'm doing right now!

7. I might look like I'm doing nothing...But in my head I'm quite busy.

8. When I die I want my last words to be, "I left a million dollars under the..."

9. My mom says its her house, but when it's time to clean, it magically becomes my house too...

10. When I say "I cleaned my room" I usually mean that I made a path from my door to my bed.

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