You know you're a Texan when... #21-33

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21. You know you're a Texan when you remember the Alamo without having been told. (I believe all Texans are born with this knowledge.)

22. You know you're a Texan when you run the risk of burning your skin off just sitting on the leather in your car in the summer. (Done this too...boy, its hurts!)

23. You know you're a Texan when you say Pun-con instead of Pee-can (pecan). (Wait, there's another way to pronounce it? How odd...)

24. You know you're a Texan when you say y'all to address a group of people. (It's an everyday occurrence...)

25. You know you're a Texan when you say, "what is this mysterious liquid falling from the sky? I believe the Northerners call it...rain?" (True...true...some babies in Texas don't see rain until they are several months old.)

26. You know you're a Texan when you take a roadtrip and the longest part is getting out of your state.

27. You know you're a Texan when you think cowboy boots go with every outfit. (Hold it...SOME PEOPLE DON'T THINK THAT????????????)

28. You know you're a Texan when you think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday. (IT IS! It's even more important than football! For some people, that's saying a lot.)

29. You know you're a Texan when you understand the silent feud between Texas and California. (Yes, there is one.)

30. You know you're a Texan when you use A/C 12 months of the year. (Have thought about it some years.)

31. You know you're a Texan when you're not considered a real driver until you've survived Houston traffic at rush hour. (Have yet to do that...well, someday I will.)

32. You know you're a Texan when your lawn starts to look like hay. (You're even more Texan if you have it hayed.)

33. You know you're a Texan when you're rocking out to Keith Urban instead of Kanye West. (Done it. I don't even know who Kanye West is...)

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