10 Differences Between Labyrinth Fans and Normal People

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Author's Note:

To those who don't like Labyrinth I am sorry. I am particularly fond of it and decided to put this up for those Labyrinth lovers who may be my readers. And if you don't like Labyrinth you probably fall in the "Normal People" catigory. I know there are lots more but these were the ones I could come up with off the top of my head. ENJOY!!!!!!


PS: CanineEquineGirl, sorry!!!!!!!! I know you dislike him and think he is ugly but I couldn't help myself. HAHAHAHA HE IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rant over.


Normal People: Don't know what Labyrinth is.

Labyrinth Fans: Have it memorized.

Normal People: Can't stand a man in tights.

Labyrinth Fans: Don't like much else.

Normal People: Would freak if a Fae in tattered armor came through their window.

Labyrinth Fans: Would freak and then not let him go until he took them with him.

Normal People: Would find Jareth's smirk annoying at best.

Labyrinth Fans: Can't live without the smirk.

Normal People: Probably couldn't sing one David Bowie song.

Labyrinth Fans: Can sing most if not all by heart.

Normal People: Are crushing hard on a boy at school or church.

Labyrinth Fans: Pray to God each day that their furture husbands look like or are Jareth, Goblin King. 

Normal People: Would find Jareth's mismatched eyes interesting at best.

Labyrinth Fans: Love his eyes but have a hard time looking into them without blushing or in more serious cases fainting.

Normal People: Would run the Labyrinth to get the baby back.

Labyrinth Fans: Would run the Labyrinth to get Jareth.

Normal People: FInd his fashion sense sickening.

Labyrinth Fans: Believe his fashion sense is the best that ever was.

Normal People: Thinking saying, "I wish the Goblin King was here, right now" is stupid.

Labyrinth Fans: Say it very often in hopes of him actually answering their call.

Normal is Overrated (Joke and Funnies Book)Where stories live. Discover now