Fangirl Sayings

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1. My brain: 2% phone numbers, 3% names, 5% School knowledge, 90% Fangirl-related things.

2. Fangirl Problems: We have a hard time completely sentences. "I just. I can't." "Can you not?" "Done." "What the?" "Wait." "I can't even." "This."

3. Do you ever casually say "I ship it" in a real life conversation then get strange looks from people who had no idea what you're talking about because your forget it's not part of the normal people's vocabulary? I think my whole school believes I'm a boat maker or something.

4. Imagine...a real-life fandom school. All fanboys and fangirls are welcome, no matter their age. Classes are on ships, fanfiction writing, edit making, and more. Phones and laptops aren't just allowed, they're required, and at lunch you sit with your main fandom. For your final year project, you work on a machine to make fictional character real.

5. Don't mess with a fangirl. We can insult you with references you will never understand. We have an army (Fandom) at our disposal!

6. My problem isn't that my favorite characters aren't real; it's that I'm not fictional. I don't want them to be real. What I desperately wish is that I could be fictional with them. It's not that I want them here with in this mundane and ordinary world; it's that I want to join them in their extraordinary one.

7. I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high functioning fangirl. Do your research.

8. I'm a fangirl. We don't do 'calm'.

9. The only thing faster than light is a fangirl who hears her idol come on the TV in another room.

10. I have come to the realization that if a boy ever used, "I ship us" as a pickup line... I would probably go out with him.

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