Teenager Posts #31-40

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31. MY DEFINTION OF A CLEAN ROOM: a clear path from the door to my bed.

32. The walk of shame at the store when you have to put something back because your mom says "no."

33. Admit it, we've all recorded ourselves singing to see if we could actually sing.

34. "Do your homework" Ah, but see you didn't say Simon says.

35. Why put cookie dough in the oven when you can put it in your mouth.

36. That moment when your mom is almost home and you look around and haven't done anything she told you to do.

37. 6 am: tired.

9 am: tired.

11am: tired.

3pm: tired.

5 pm: tired.

7 pm: tired.

9 pm: tired.


38. I have a habit of making weird sounds when things are too quiet.

39. Why I don't look out the window at night – 1% I'm afraid of the dark. The other 99% I'm afraid I might see a face looking back at me.

40. *phone vibrates*

*runs across the floor*

*jumps over stuff*

*reaches for phone...*

Crap!! Not who I wanted that to be from.


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