Funny Sayings #271-280

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1. When you really want to slap someone, do it and say "Mosquito!"

2. I'm so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I'm saying.

3. Two mysterious people live in my house. Somebody and nobody. Somebody did it and nobody knows who.

4. Remember if we're caught, you're deaf and I don't speak English.

5. Hurt me and you're gonna feel pain, hut my friend and you're gonna need an ambulance, hurt my BEST FRIEND....I'm gonna need a shovel and an alibi.

6. If you say you're cooler than me...Does that make me hotter than you?

7. Don't judge me. I was born to be awesome. NOT PERFECT!

8. If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?

9. I've finally lost my mind. If found, don't bother to return it. It wasn't working properly anyway...

10. Rabbits jump and they live for 8 years. Dogs run and they live for 15 years. Turtles do nothing and live for 150 years. Lesson Learned.

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