Teenager Posts #1-10

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1. Parent: Why don't you come socialize with the family?

Me: *sits with the family*

Me: *get's insulted by entire family*

Me: *goes back to bedroom*

2. Saying to your friends, "If we get caught, here's the story..."

3. The awkward moment when your sarcasm is so advanced that people actually think you're stupid.

4. "I WASN'T THAT DRUNK!" "Dude, you were at a mirror calling out for your angel of music!"

5. When you drop your phone for the first time and you're like: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

6. Math teacher: I have 5 bottles in one hand, and 6 in the other. What do I have?

Student: A drinking problem.

7. Don't judge a book by its cover. My math textbook had a picture of someone enjoying themselves on it. I didn't not enjoy myself at all...

8. Tumblr *check*, FaceBook *check*, Twitter *check*, YouTube *check*, Messenger *check*, Skype *check*, Wattpad *check*.

"Dude, do you have a life?"

"OMG!! No, send me the link!"

9. Teacher: I hope I don't see you copying another student's test.

Me: Yeah, I hope you don't see that either...

10. Teacher: Why am I hearing talking!?!

Student: Because you have ears, duhhh!!!

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