Teenager Posts #91-100

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91. Checking your phone to see what time it is and checking it again because the first time you weren't paying attention.

92. Substitute Teacher: "Does your normal teacher let you do that?"

Students: "...Yeah..."

93. Don't confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is who I am. My attitude depends on who you are.

94. Parents call it "talking back". We call it "explaining".


"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just like bleeding for fun."

96. I act completely normal around my parents. But, as soon as I am with my friends, I'm like the energizer bunny on drugs.

97. *taking a test*

My answer is no...

"If your answer is no, please explain why."

My answer is yes.

98. Always be positive.

*trips down stairs*

Man, I got down those stairs fast!

99. THEY'RE going THERE, with THEIR friends. It's called grammar, use it.

100. *phone vibrates at home*

*barely hear it*

*phone vibrates at school*


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