Whale Funniness from Bwaystar16

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Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

These are some whale funniness that @Bwaystar16 was kind enough to bring to my attention and give them to me.



1. Whales don't use makeup. Whales are naturally beautiful.

2. Whales can survive under water.

3. A dead whale is not alive.

4. Unlike M&M's, whales do not melt in your mouth. Whales are no chocolate, they are whales.

5. If you meow at a whale it won't meow back. Not that whales can't meow, but because whales think you're retarded.

6. Whales have as many Oscars as Leonardo Dicaprio.

7. If you spot a whale driving a go-cart down your street, seek shelter and contact the authorities immediately. Something has gone very wrong.

8. The number 1 cause of death for whales is dying.

9. You're my jelly to my burger, the knife to my soup, the glitter to my sushi, and the ketchup to my ice cream. My point is, you're useless.

10. Whales don't think about the past. Whales think about food.

11. Whales have poor vision when their eyes are closed.

12. Whales don't want to lose weight because they know that they're perfect.

13. I wish there were mini whales. Like 6 inch whales. That you could be put in a tank. And own as pets. Like, hey, look at my pet whale. That would be great.

14. Whales cannot walk on land simply because they don't have feet.

15. Why get Ebola when you can get a whale.

16. Whales can't run for president. Whales can't run.

17. Whales don't surf the internet. They surf in the ocean.

18. First rule of whale club, you do not talk about whale club ... second rule of whale club. You do not talk about whale club.

19. When people call you a whale, it's a compliment. Be happy.

20. Government secret #109 Ocean waves are just whale farts.

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