Funny Sayings #211-220

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211. Teacher: "You got a 0 on your 1000 word essay." Me: "Why?" Teacher: "You submitted a picture." Me: "A picture is worth a 1000 words."

212. "H3y, Wh@t R y0uu d0ing?!" "About to throw a dictionary in your face."

213. So I was flying a kite and this guy actually asks me. "SO, you're flying a kite?" I replied, "Nope, fishing for birds."

214. There may be no excuse for laziness, but I'm still looking.

215. Heat makes things expand. See, I don't have a weight problem. I'm just hot!!!

216. Dear Sneeze, If you're gonna happen, happen. Don't put a stupid look on my face and leave.

217. You have not experienced true fear until a poster falls down in the middle of the night.

218. When consumed for its antioxidant properties, dark chocolate has less fat than broccoli.

219. That moment when you walk into a spider wed and suddenly turn into a karate master.

220. This long distance relationship isn't going to work. Fridge, you're moving to my bedroom.

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