Teenager Posts #111-120

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111. No. I'm not lazy; I am just very protective of my couch.

112. Teacher: How can we keep the school clean?

Me: By staying home.

113. Admit it, at some point in your life, you stuck a ball up your shirt and pretended you were pregnant.

114. SON OF A B.....iisccuittt. Oh, hey, Mom.

115. I do not stalk my crush... I simply gather information for specific purposes.

116. Due tomorrow = do tomorrow.

117. Awkward: your cell phone going off full volume at a funeral.

Even more awkward: your ringtone being, "I will survive."

118. "Be strong." I whispered to my Wi-Fi signal.

119. Hello random bruise, where did you come from?

120. No, Teacher, I don't know the answer. That's why my hand wasn't raised.

Normal is Overrated (Joke and Funnies Book)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon