Funny Texts

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Me: Hey, Mr. R, I already read Huck Fin over the summer, do I have to read it again?

Mr. R: Any book worth reading once is worth reading again.

Me: Even Twilight?

Mr. R: I said it had to be worth reading once.


Mom: Don't forget to unload the dishwasher.

Mom: Did you finish your homework?

Mom: We have to go to your grandmother's house for Thanksgiving/

Mom: Dad and I talked, we are going to buy you a car next month.

Me: You are??? OMOG thank you!

Mom: No, we're not. I just wanted to make sure you were getting my texts.

Me: That was cruel.


Friend: Andie, I can't find my phone anywhere!

Me: Seems like you have another problem too.

Friend: What's that?

Me: Some dude stole it and is texting me off it.

Friend: O.O D:< Who?

Me: Just some really stupid person...


Amy: I loveeeee twilight!!! Which is your favorite character? Mine is Edward.

Me: Tyler Crowley.

Amy: Umm....who is Tyler Crowley?

Me: The one who almost ran Bella over with a van.

Amy: -__-

Me: >:D


Me: Lars, what happened to you last night?

Lars: What do you mean?

Me: Well, you went to the store and asked the manager if he's seen your phone...

Lars: No, I didn't?

Me: You were using the flashlight on your phone to find your phone while you were asking him if he had seen your phone....

Lars:......never speak of this.

Normal is Overrated (Joke and Funnies Book)Where stories live. Discover now