Teenager Posts #151-160

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1. Do you think clouds look down on people and think "that one is shaped like an idiot".

2. My handwriting varies: Page one – excellent. Page ten – fine. Page twenty – language change.

3. People who CHOOSE to wake up early on weekends clearly have problems.

4. *does 5 pushups* Me: Olympics 2016 here I come!

5. 11 pm: I think I might go to be early tonight. 3 am: lol.

6. WHERE YOUR PEN GOES WHEN YOU DROP IT: 3%, right where you dropped it. 5%, 10 feet away from you. 92%, into another dimension never to be seen again.

7. Me: I'm just going to rest my eyes for 5 minutes. Me: wakes up March 27th, 2098.

8. Study...stud...stu...st....s...sl...sle...slee....sleep.

9. If you try to wake me up by pulling my blankets off, I'll probably kill you.

10. My talents: speed texting, procrastination, andsarcasm. 

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