Teenager Posts #211-220

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1. "OMOG! I'M SO UGLY!" Yes, that's why you have 197 photos in an album called "ME"

2. I almost showed up to work today with a positive attitude, but sarcasm stepped in and saved the day.

3. If I were to give up sarcasm, that would leave interpretive dance as my only means of communicating.

4. We'll be best friends forever because you already know too much.

5. In movies when people go underwater, I like to hold my breath and see if I would survive in that situation. I died in Finding Nemo.

6. I wonder what the person I'm going to marry is doing right now.

7. "All you do is sit on that computer!" "No, Mom, I sit on the chair."

8. Kids born in 2000 never have to worry about forgetting how old they are.

9. According to chain messages, I should've died 18 times, been raped twice, and been cut 10 times. Either chain messages are fake, or I'm superman.

10. Checking the fridge every 10 minutes to see if food has magically appeared.

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