Caution: Beware of Fangirls

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Beware of Fangirls

At first sight of fangirls, grab their attention by waving around one or more boxed of pocky, once you have gotten their attention, you must throw the pocky as far away as possible then run very, very fast in the opposite direction.

Note: The only time that this does not work is when you are 'the object of interest' of the fangirls, particularly bishis, at any time 'the object of interest' suspects that someone is a fangirl, it is highly recommended that they must run faster than a rocket in order to possibly get away. This is due to fangirls having abnormally superhuman speed when they see their 'object of interest.' If caught, you would first receive a back breaking glomping, followed by a possible kidnapping, then from there... let's just say that you don't want to know.

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