Fangirl Stages

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Stage 1: Affection

1. You find the singer cute

2. You look his band or group up on YouTube

3. You save a few of his pictures

Stage 2: Euphoria

1. You can't stop thinking about him

2. Everything he does is cute and hot

3. You start to feel things for him

Stage 3: Sexual Frustration

1. You start having sexual fantasizes

2. You make up scenarios in your head

3. Everything he does gives you issues

Stage 4: Obsession

1. You make a blog

2. You watch all their interviews, talk shows, etc...

3. You can't live a day without thinking about him

Stage 5: Depression

1. Cries at everything

2. Regrets ever becoming too obsessed

3. You can't take any more of his face.

Stage 6: Mental Issue

1. He finally ruins your life

2. You know you're going to die spazzing about him

3. Never date because he sends your standards way too high

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