Funny Sayings #241-250

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1. I have been putting a lot of thought into it and I just don't think that being an adult is gonna work for me.

2. I didn't sleep well last night so I made my coffee with Red Bull instead of water. I got half-way to work before I realized I had forgot my car.

3. Hey, I'll be back in five minutes. If I'm not just read this message again.

4. "No offence" means "I'm about to insult you but don't get mad."

5. I don't have band handwriting. I have my own font.

6. Next time a stranger talks to me when I'm alone, I will look at them, shocked, and whisper quietly, "You can see me?"

7. Every instructor assume that you have nothing else to do except study for that instructor's course.

8. I'm going to stand outside so if anyone askes I am outstanding.

9. 71% of young have back pain. The other 13% have no computer.

10. I love rumors! I find out so much about me and I didn't even know!

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