10 Differences Between Normal People and POTO Phans

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Autho'rs Note:

Dear Readers,

I hope these jokes have given you a laugh. I am going to change this books title to "Normal is Overrated." I think that it is fitting. Enjoy and laugh a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Normal People: Say OMG or OMFG.

POTO Phans: Say OMP or OMOG (OMP came from @bwaystar16 and OMOG from @CarlySullivan9. That is who I heard them from first.)

Normal People: Sing the latest songs.

POTO Phans: Burst out in singing one of the songs from POTO.

Normal People: Compare their boyfriends to the latest and most popular actor.

POTO Phans: Compare their boyfriends to the Phantom of the Opera.

Normal People: Would run screaming if a man came after them, wearing a mask and wielding a Punjab lasso.

POTO Phans: Would run toward him and smother him in hugs and kisses while rejoicing that they had found the Phantom of the Opera.

Normal People: Wouldn't dream of staying in a sewer with a madman.

POTO Phans: Would give anything to do that for the rest of their lives.

Normal People: Believe that deformities are ugly.

POTO Phans: Believe that deformities are perfection.

Normal People: Would side with Erik's mother.

POTO Phans: Would cuss his mother out and hate for her the rest of their lives.

Normal People: Want normal.

POTO Phans: Believe that normal is overrated.

Normal People: Would laugh at Erik while he was in his cage and/or scream in horror.

POTO Phans: Would cry for his sad plight and rescue him.

Normal People: Don't own a copy of the Phantom of the Opera.

POTO Phans: Own very worn copies of both Kay's Phantom and Leroux's Phantom of the Opera.

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