Teenager Posts #21-30

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21. A good friend: Call you in jail.

A great friend: Bails you out of jail.

YOUR BEST FRIEND: Sits next to you while saying "wasn't that fun?"

22. Everything magically appears when your mom looks for it.

23. Mom: You haven't moved since I left the house 5 hour ago. *glares*.

Me: Excuse me. Where do you think these chips came from?

24. Person: I like your name.

Me: Thanks. I got it for my birthday.

25. Mom: Did you get home safe?

Me: No, I died a few times.

26. Let's play a game called how far can I lean off the bed to grab the thing.

27. YouTube: "This video is not available in your country." Where the heck am I from? Narnia?

28. Yes Teacher, I could've done my homework last night. I also could have murdered your family last night. Let's be okay with the fact I did neither.

29. People who can plug a USB in on the first try must really have their life together.

30. PE doesn't stand for physical education. It stands for public embarrassment.

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