Funny Sayings #1-10

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1. I'm smiling. That alone should scare you.

2. I didn't fall! I attacked the floor with my awesome NINJA skills!

3. When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and sit back and let the world wonder how you did it.

4. I didn't fall, I was just testing the GRAVITY... It still works.

5. NATIONAL SARCASAM SOCIETY: Yeah, like we need your support.

6. What's this thing you call NORMAL? Is it Contagious?! OMG!! Don't touch me. I might catch your NORMAL!!

7. Everything is funny as 3 in the morning.

8. I am NOT a violent person! Take it back, or I'll punch you!!

9. Dear Math, I'm Not A Therapist. Solve your own problems. Sincerely, Me.

10. Don't follow in my footsteps, I run into walls.

Normal is Overrated (Joke and Funnies Book)Where stories live. Discover now