Funny Sayings #141-150

548 31 8

Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I simply want to say that should I by accident repeat on of these, I am really SORRY!!!!! It is very hard to keep all of them straight. I do try to give new ones and not repeat. Thanks for understanding.


P.S. 150!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life is so funny sometimes!!!!!


#141. I'm not crazy. I'm just special!! ... No, wait ... Maybe I am crazy. One second ... I have to talk to myself about this, hold on ...

#142. It's hard to fin a friend who is: 95% talented, 96% funny, 98% loving, 99% intelligent, and 100% sweet so don't you dare lose me!!!!

#143. When we say we love cookie dough, is it really for the dough? Or is it for the chocolate.

#144. 3 am phone cal ... "Hey, are you sleeping??" ... "No, I'm skydiving."

#145. When it says: "Don't touch." What I read: "Touch when nobody is looking."

#146. I have had a horribly busy day converting oxygen to carbon dioxide.

#147. My room is not messy, it is an obstacle course designed to keep my fit.

#148. Why yes, I do spontaneously break out in ninja moves.

#149. Brother - "Hey, Dad, I just got a girlfriend. :)". Dad - "Good job, son.". Sister - "Hey, Daddy, I just got a boyfriend. :)". Dad - *loads shotgun*

#150. I'm not saying I hate you. I'm just saying if you got hit by a bus, I would be driving said bus.

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