You know you're in Texas when... #1-10

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1. You know you're in Texas when anything can be fried. (Literally.....ANYTHING!)

2. You know you're in Texas when Dr. Pepper is holy water. (So I've heard.)

3. You know you're in Texas when everything gets put off until after football season. (Yep...)

4. You know you're in Texas when high school football is more than a sport, it's a religion. (And, we have holy wars between teams. It can be dangerous.)

5. You know you're in Texas when it begins to rain and everyone shouts "RAIN!!!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! IT'S RAINING!!!!!" (Yes...done, heard it!)
You know you're in Texas when anything below 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer is a blessing. (We fall on our knees and thank God for those days.)

6. You know you're in Texas when it snows for no more than twenty seconds and the entire state shuts down. (I've watched this happen...perfectly normal.)

7. You know you're in Texas when some towns have more livestock than people. (It could potentially be even double.)

8. You know you're in Texas when strangers casually greet you with, "Hey, how you doin'?" and you see nothing strange about it. (This has happened to me...)

9. You know you're in Texas when temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit are common occurrences. (Yes, and even over 110. Perfectly normal.)

10. You know you're in Texas when the air conditioner breaking down is a fate worse than death. (It me.)

Normal is Overrated (Joke and Funnies Book)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang