Chapter 371: Lucky Day (2)

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'I wasn't anxious for no reason...'

In fact, this wasn't something I hadn't expected at all.

'I just set the probability low.'

This had been classified as something that rarely happened because the Republic's extreme choice could have been self-defense.

The cause was always on our side.

As if international relations were not important, it was irrational itself to stand up to someone like the demon summoner Jin Qing with the current circumstances.

Of course, not all countries were as sensitive to demons as the State, the Laios, or some of the other races.


'It's still irrational.'

Turning against God is something that couldn't be imagined on the continent, at least.

Of course, even if the demon in the Republic decided their course in that direction, there would still be questions.

War was not such an easy decision. It didn't mean that you could prepare for it in less than a month. At least, if I had been in the Republic leader's position, I would have looked and moved a little longer.

That was right.

Of course, the story would be different if the Republic had been working on this war scenario since before.

'No. Still, it's the same as it's irrational.'

If I were to think about it, there had been a time when the Cheon Gwan-wi and Wi Ran of the Eight Seats in the State had said that the Republic's movement was unusual.

Of course, even so, as long as the situation came to this point, it was not the time to enter the war scenarios they had. We could never pull the trigger first. Even more, assuming that the two groups have similar strengths.

If they were to pull the trigger first, there were two reasons. No, three or so.

They were out of their mind, they were confident of winning, or they really needed to start a war.

Maybe they thought that they needed to deal with the internal threat outside, or they may have the confidence to devour the State without much damage.

Of course, there was no guarantee that it was they who had attacked first. Indeed, we had not yet heard exactly how the war broke out.

However, it was undeniable that an uncomfortable situation would have come.

'The United Kingdom is also bothering...'

There was also the possibility that some countries, who considered it dangerous for the State to spread the idea of ??revolution, had also cooperated with the Republic.

Both the Republic and the State didn't choose the monarchy, but unlike the State, which was made up of a bloody revolution, the Republic only changed in name from the emperor to president.

Each country's leaders may have been unpleasantly looking at the people's victory, which was achieved through the Goddess' Mirror.

There was no end when I was to think about it.

No wonder a headache had begun to spring up, all because of the constant rush of miscellaneous thoughts.

Of course, it was not just me who was suffering from a headache.


Kim Hyunsung also had a complex expression.

'Are we not expected to have a war? Was the timing early?'

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