Chapter 296: Time has passed (2)

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The world had changed so much as time continued to pass.

To be precise, only the Empire, or the country that was now called the Sacred Democratic State, and its surroundings had changed, but at least no one could deny that positive changes were taking place inside.

Most noticeable was the disappearance of the empire-wide class.

Of course, informally, there had to be a visible class. Most of the nobles still had enormous wealth and were referred to as parliament members, and Charlotte was also a part of the parliament.

However, the fact that the status system was officially abolished was a story that the general public would also cheer for.

Privileged classes such as the nobility and the royal family had completely disappeared.

Of course, there should have been a privileged class of priests, but as much as it had the Church's title, there was no word about the privileges the Holy sector enjoyed.

Rather, it was not necessary to explain that there had been a widespread awareness of how they were wielding greater power than before, based on sacred democracy. It was a privilege that should be enjoyed by those with the job of a priest serving God.

Everything went exactly as I thought. Although distribution had not yet been completed, the Goddess mirror was distributed one by one for each generation, and the contents that were transmitted through the mirror of the Goddess were all packaged and aired in favor of the current government and foreigners.

Although a lot of information was released, it was natural that the information that the general public could access was very limited.

Things I thought were a bit unfavorable to me couldn't even be examined in the first place. A lot of the citizens had been fooled by the television they called the Goddess' mirror.

As a result, the task of shaking public opinion using the media was a piece of a cake. I had been hoping for this to happen right from the very beginning.

If the cage was comfortable, animals would not dare go out of the cage.

'If they are happy, that's it.'

No one cared about the truth. I didn't know if it was because of the Goddess' blessing, but it was enough to leave the inside problems to our Alice/Oscar.

It wasn't that there weren't any creaky parts, but she was moving as well as I intended, and above all, she was passionate and highly motivated.

What I had to think about at this point was the things outside the country, rather than inside.

'Are the kingdom bastards out of their minds?'

It was no wonder that what I just heard from Senator Chenko remained strangely in my head. The problem was the United Kingdom, which was sensitive to each and every step from this side. Of course, it was a natural reaction.

Since a revolution broke out in a nearby country and the heads of the royal family fled, they were worried that a similar kind of revolution would break out in their kingdom.

I could understand by looking at the world history that took place on Earth, but I didn't like the fact that they kept trying to ostracize our country.

As the number of knights in the country had decreased significantly, I wanted to avoid conflicts with foreign forces as much as possible.


Alliance was necessary for the country to survive, and work to improve relations with the Republic was also essential. To do this from only within, the country was very limited.

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