Chapter 368: Resting Unicorn (1)

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Park Deokgu opened his mouth just when the situation was about to be cleared up.

To be precise, he hadn't stopped talking all throughout the march. He was back to being his old self.

The only problem was that he was being a little noisy, but it wasn't too annoying.

"So, didn't I say it? Our hyung-nim is someone who would survive even if he falls alone in the desert. Phew... In fact, I'm saying only it now, but when others were anxious, I didn't even bat an eye! I knew he would obviously be alive. He isn't an ordinary person. Not only was he alive, but he smashed that guy's heart! Phew."

"I was lucky. I've learned a little bit about Dialugia before, and it just helped. There was also received..."

"Since they're the same reptile, the internal structure was the same?"

"It's not that, but..."

If Dialugia had heard what he said, she would be pissed.

'No. It doesn't sound that ridiculous...'

I criticized him for a second, but on second thought, it was not really like that. Dialugia herself would be very upset, but to some extent, it was something I could somewhat agree with.

In fact, it was my personal reasoning that it was a structure of a higher being rather than a reptile. Of course, this was only an assumption.

It wasn't anything fixed yet, and I hadn't done research on the bodies of other beings, so I couldn't give a definite answer, but there was a possibility that Park Deokgu's bullsh*t was not actually bullsh*t.

Perhaps they had similar structures because they were in the big frame of this world's reptiles.

If Salit and Dialugia had nothing in common, the time to reach the heart would have been even longer.

'If I think about it like that...'

I knew I had been very lucky.

"Not only that. Not only he recovered and healed the World Tree, but he achieved a new feat. Salit must have been greedy or felt threatened by the energy of the light flowing from you. That's why he swallowed you. Ah. Come to think of it... Is it really okay now?"

Elena, not me, answered the next question. I wasn't the one who Park Deokgu was looking at, so it would be natural for her to answer.

"Yes. Of course, it is still difficult to confirm that it has been completely cured, but at least... I think you don't have to worry about the collapse of the body due to the contamination of the soul anymore."

"Uh! Is that true?"

"Yes. I'm sure of it. However, since there is still a need to keep an eye on him... I think he will need to receive treatment regularly."


"Yes. If the specialist says so, you should. Anyway... please, take good care of him."

"P-P-Please, take care of him. And... t-thank you, Princess Elena."

"Ah... No, Jung Hayan. This is something I have been given to do."

Seeing Jung Hayan stuttering and thanking her, I could see that she was feeling guilty, as her ears were drooping.

In fact, I, too, was sporting a guilty conscience as well.

This was because I did not expect that Jung Hayan would show such a reaction. I already knew that what she valued ??most was my safety, but I didn't expect her to show as much sincerity as she did.

Of course, it didn't mean that there had been no hostility at all.

She had seen us through the Anemone's Eye and saw her sticking to me, so she could, of course, show this type of reaction.

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