Chapter 357: An Easy Elf, An Easy Elena (4)

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It was certainly one of the Elune Knights who was dragging the kiln.

It was so messy that his shape couldn't even be recognized anymore because of his falling shock, but my Mind's Eyes kept telling me that he was the elf who had been with us.

'Did he fall from where he originally was?'

I simply couldn't figure out what had happened.

What was certain was that there had been an accident that I didn't know about, and the expedition could not respond. Other than that, everything was unclear.

It happened so quickly, and as I was stuck in the wagon, I had no way of knowing what had been going on outside.

'Who was in the backline?'

Most of the Blue Guilds were in the front line.

The ones who were close to the kiln were Ahn Ki-mo, capable of close combat while at the same time being a back liner, and the elves who dragged the kiln.

Seeing that this poor guy also looked like this, it would be reasonable to assume that the accident took place from behind.

'Is Ahn Ki-mo safe?'

If he didn't fall here together, I knew he'd be okay, but it was possible that he had gotten caught in the middle.

Of course, there was a possibility that other guild members had also fallen.

'Has the ground collapsed?'

All kinds of imagination had entered my name, but there was no clear answer.

One thing was certain, however. This was not a very good situation.

In any case, if I were to get isolated inside the dungeon, I should consider the worst, especially since this was a legendary-grade dungeon.

There was no front-liner to protect me, and our supplies were limited.

It was not unreasonable for me to frown. This was because I had realized that my current situation vastly differed from the norm.

It was only natural for me to check my belongings. I knew I had to check what I had.

I had a portable alchemy kit.

'This is something I always carry...'

I had food and drinking water that would normally be sufficient for about five days.

'If I save it, I can eat it for 20 days.'

I had a Dialugia catalyst.

'I brought this generously.'

I was also carrying legendary-grade health potions, as well as other catalysts and materials.

'It's not enough...'

These weren't bad items to hold onto, but none of them were sufficient enough to protect my body.

I missed Juliana, who had been left behind back in Lindel.

After she woke up once, she didn't have a chance to participate in the battle directly, and having left her alone was a mistake.

'I'll have to carry it with me when I return.'

I had to admit that I had gotten quite soft.

Being surrounded by monsters, it was true that I had indeed neglected to develop myself. I didn't have the time to be playing in the field, but I couldn't deny that I had indeed been idle recently.

Of course, nothing would change if I were to regret it now.

After shaking my head once, I immediately rummaged the arms of the elves. I had to find out if there was anything useful.

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