Chapter 294: Half-baked Revolution (9)

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The cleanup went faster than I first thought.

The people cheered fervently at us, who had become the new Empire's entitled officials, and the Civil Revolution Group shouted in honor of today's victory. According to Oscar, it was a victory for both the people and the imperialists. Though I thought differently, I chose to stay quiet.

It was my aim that the majority of the people thought they had made this revolution.

'That's good. That's good.'

No matter how I thought about this, I had no choice but to nod satisfactorily.

The voices asking to bring the guillotine and cut the throats of the Goddess's rebels were rising, but the executives and nobles of the revolutionary group, especially Charlotte, would not want such a brutal task.

Their treatment should have been done legally, but also humanely and democratically. It meant they would have to get a fair trial on the surface.

Of course, this trial would move in the direction the new entitled officials want, but it was important to instill hope that this regime would be different. The results would just be the same, anyway.

The important thing was, 'Who is being executed and who is having a toast?'

'It's sweet to be on the winner's side.'

The Emperor and Charlia couldn't be helped, but most of the nobles who got on the wrong side would also have their heads blown away.

In fact, I could say that this was a positive side of this revolution.

This was an opportunity to sort out the incapacitated trash centered on Charlia at once. I was sure that Charlotte would not be able to refute this opinion.

Blood had to be spilled, but the fact that the nobles who exploited the imperial people would have completely disappeared remains the same.

There were cities where the revolution had not yet been completely finished, but I could bet that it would meet the same ending within a few hours. Things were getting more and more fun.

Lee Jihye, who quietly took a seat next to me, seemed to be thinking similarly to me, seeing that she was smiling.

"You seem to be in a good mood."

"It's not bad."



"I'm sorry to say this during such a good time, but is it okay to talk about work for a moment? Some things need to be done right now."

"Of course, Nuna."

"Well... first, it's about the grain or goods stored in the Imperial Palace."

"I think you can check the important things separately, store them, and take care of the rest. Sort by item and store things that you think will be really helpful here..."

"Well... then, as you said, it would be better to keep the goods and the items stored in the warehouse of the Imperial Palace first and open all the grains. I don't think it's bad to take on victory right now. I think there will be a little left, though..."

"Then give some of them to nobles or something. The western and southern nobles are also stocking up a lot, so it's not going to run out right away. Rather than that, how about the outside? Did it turn out well?"

"I'm still busy moving the corpses. I thought I did it quickly, but there were a little more dead than I expected."

"Fair enough, since the knights and wizards possessed by the imperial castle aren't suckers. I was fortunate that Hee-ra was holding on to Victor Hart. If it weren't for that, things would have been a little harder. Even if that old man had gone on the front line, he wouldn't be able to cut through the imperial people... still, he is one of the symbols of the Empire."

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