Chapter 322: Hero of Laios (1)

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The moment a dark red sphere fell on the city, I stared at the scene blankly. It was because even I couldn't even figure out what was going on.

Of course, I could recognize that something big had happened. That was because I heard screams erupting from everywhere.

"Everyone, head underground! Repeat. Everyone, enter the underground shelter! This is a real situation. This is a real situation, not training. Enter the designated near building with protective magic. I repeat. Go into the underground shelter or the designated building with protective magic and wait!"


"Oh, God. Oh, God."

"What are you doing, Marina? Can't you hear them shouting for us to avoid you? Quickly, now."

Instantly, I was awakened by the voice.

I began to get dizzy when I realized that the surrounding landscape, which just before felt like a dream, was still there.


I thought of my daughter, who would be left alone at home.

'Please... Oh, God. Please.'

I heard a voice calling me from behind, but I couldn't stop. I had already started to run. Though I was soon running out of breath, I was still a long ways away from reaching my destination.

Thanks to the people running to the other side, I was far from moving forward.

Everyone must be heading to the shelter or to the place where the protection magic was still maintained.

'I shouldn't have left her alone... I shouldn't have left her alone!'


"Let me go! Let me go! Let go of me!"

"First, let's go to the shelter. Leah must have avoided it already. Quickly..."

"I told you to let go of me. Please. Let go of me. Please... I have to check, at least. I have to make sure she's avoided it safely!"

"Damn... Wait here."


"I'll be back as soon as possible. Wait here. No, wait in a safer place."


I saw James running to the other side in a hurry.

I knew I should go with him, but my legs refused to move, probably because of my fear.

All I could do was pray.

"Please be safe... Please, let my beloved Leah and James both to be safe... Please. Please."

The waiting time wasn't that long, but I felt like waiting for hours. My tears kept flowing out of anxiety, and my chin and legs were shaking.

Gradually reaching the city, the sphere was being sucked into the earth as if it were ready to devour everything.

As the little bit of hope was about to vanish, I saw James holding Leah from a distance.


The dark red sphere collided with the clock tower with a tremendous sound. The loud roar made my ears hurt.

"It's dangerous! James! Dangerous!"

He looked at the sky immediately.

As the fragments of the huge tower fell, James laid on his stomach, holding Leah tightly. I was afraid of them getting knocked out from the debris.

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