Chapter 289: Half-baked revolution (4)

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From then on, the flames of the revolution soared.

Hidden foreigners and troops poured out from underground, and flame magic burst out from all directions.

The Civil Revolutionary Corps put weapons in the imperial people's hands and threw themselves into the flames alongside them.

When a large number of people gathered, the fear disappeared, and the erupting madness spread.

This revolution, which had started from the Empire's capital, was being shown in real-time through each city's magical holograms, excluding the provinces governed by sponsors.

Citizens from other cities were also running out into the streets with swords whilst shouting.

"Hayan, how is the situation?"

"I-I think all other cities are similar. It all went as you thought!"

Certainly, looking at the hologram managed by Max, a pleasant smile graced my lips.

When I saw the live broadcast screen, I had chills. It was a pity that I couldn't comment.

'Georgina, a small and medium-sized city, managed by Count Bush, who showed great performance with his dog pig speech.'

The foreigners were the Garrosh and Cash Clan of Lindel.

I knew that a guy named Gal Oh-sik with a big ax had decent skills, but seeing what he was showing now proved to be more than I imagined.

It was also a level that could be said to have a high level of incitement.

I didn't think it would be bad to set up a meeting with him later.

-We are not dog pigs!


-We will be the master of the Empire!

-Stand up! Compatriots! Fight and Revolutionize!

-We are not dog pigs!! We will be the... master of the Empire!!

I certainly thought that no place would be more passionate about the revolution than here.

As much as it's suppressed, the burst is big.

As I slowly turned my gaze toward the Vatican province, a beautiful scene was drawn once again.

Imridan, the demon hunter of the Illidari Guild, had chosen to lead the people.

With her class change's influence, her eyes were spewing green energy, but it looked like it would be reassuring if she were on the same side.

-Dear comrades. We must hold onto our fate with our hands. We can't avoid this forever!


-Reinforcements arrived from Castle Rock Estate. The blood we shed today is not meaningless. It's for a place to live for the Empire! In the capital, compatriots are already starting a rally. Victory is before our eyes! Let's fight, everyone! Everything is ready. It is they who are not ready.

'That woman is okay, too.'

In addition to that, the revolution was starting ways, in various provinces.

I had put the foreigners and honorary nobles since I thought that things with those facing off against the Republic needed to be sorted out immediately, and it seems to have worked.

Originally, the eastern part was composed of the supporting regions of Count Castle Rock, Duchess Catherine, and Count Elise.

It was natural to want this to be cleared out as quickly as the largest forces were together.

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