Chapter 300: Laios, the Neutral Country (1)

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I still was anxious, but pressuring Jung Hayan had been done properly. I really wanted to get mad and ask what crazy thing she was doing, but I couldn't say that right now.

Jung Hayan wanted to annoy Cha Hee-ra little by little, and Cha Hee-ra had overreacted.

I thought they both had their own faults.

If I were to take Cha Hee-ra's side too much, it might cause other problems.

First, after pointing out Hayan's attitude, I started by saying that she should show a little more respect, and I also expressed that I wasn't really uncomfortable.

Of course, it was natural to flatter her in the midst of that by saying, 'thank you for thinking of me' or 'I understand you.'

When I first pressed her a little harshly, she had produced thick tears, but after that, I could see that her face melted at the other benefits that flew in.

Everything didn't go as she thought, but I was satisfied as to how it had ended.


It felt like she was still thinking the way she wanted to.

Of course, she had nodded at my stern warning, but I had doubts about how far this effect would go. This was only a preview of the disaster that was to come.

Seeing that she had shown her teeth to Cha Hee-ra right after gaining strength, it was evident that she would do this to others even more.

If she was left alone, even if she was quiet right now, an incident would definitely happen someday.

In the first place, magic was a difficult area for me to understand.

It was hard to imagine what a wizard like Jung Hayan can do when they got enough momentum.

'Although it is difficult...'

Nevertheless, Jung Hayan was very important to me.

In a way, this was no different than an equivalent exchange. If the price of dealing with Jung Hayan magician was to care for her mentality enough, it was a business that I could do.

The problem was that it became strangely dangerous, but considering the future, this could be well-tolerated.

Of course, she was not the only one who I needed to take care of.

However, Cha Hee-ra was much easier to care for than Jung Hayan.

Among the people I knew, she was one of those I communicated the best with. At least, until she turned crazy.

From my perspective, the two should stay the same without any friction. However, it was not that easy to solve other people's work.

Of course, Jung Hayan wasn't starting any quarrel with Cha Hee-ra, but anyone could feel a strange atmosphere between the two of them.

Park Deokgu and Han Sora, who specialized in detecting Jung Hayan's dangers, was no exception.

"So, recently, I felt like Hayan had a sharp edge!"

"Ah... right."

"Yes. It's what I've said many times. We haven't had time to do anything properly because we've been busy, but, naturally, even Hayan is stressed!"


"I think it's definitely time to refresh. In fact, Hee-ra also had a little edge in her reaction, but Hayan's eyes were a little harsh, too. It's hard to define just what... honestly, I was a little scared, too. I'm sorry to say this, but I just wanted to leave."

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