Chapter 267: 1st Princess Charlia (4)

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'What is this suddenly?'

Anyone could see that it was an embarrassing request.

I kind of knew that our lovely returner was thinking about something, but I couldn't imagine it would be this.


When my expression shifted into doubt, Hyunsung continued talking. I didn't ask why, but he had noticed my skepticism by himself.

Of course, he couldn't seem to be able to explain in detail. I couldn't blame him - he couldn't just straight up confess that he'd come from the first timeline.

"I'm sorry... I hope you don't ask why. I will return this favor..."

"No. You don't even have to think of it as a favor. You must have a reason. If it's something that helps the guild or our party..."

"No. It's nothing like that. It's personal..."

He could've just said it was for the guild, but when I saw him drawing a line with this personal thing, I thought that this was so like him.

'Tsk tsk.'

Of course, it was personal.

Charlotte was wary of me, but considering the Holy Empire as a whole, her becoming Empress was the only way to go for this Empire.

The current Emperor was a shameful figure to even be called an Emperor, and the First Princess, Charlia, was crazy.

Of course, it was easier for me to handle the Emperor or the First Princess, but if I considered the Empire's development to be more important, I would unconditionally exercise a vote for Charlotte.

'I don't even need to exercise it.'

Charlotte was practically next in line for Empress.

The First Princess was a troublemaker of this insane imperial family, and the succession structure was limited. The Emperor also seemed to think of Charlotte as his successor, so unless a twist happened, she would safely rise to the throne.

'And she may already have...'

Charlotte was likely the Empress even in the first round. No, it was not just a probability.

The fact that Kim Hyunsung said he wanted to prevent her from becoming Empress was in line with the saying that the First Empress had been her.

I didn't know why Kim Hyunsung didn't want her to become Empress, but I had two guesses.

'Will she go crazy?'

The first was if Charlotte would become the worst tyrant ever in the future. It was not impossible.

Considering that she tried to ostracize Charlia, she was not a nice person, either.

Although her characteristic and disposition were closer to goodness, she didn't hesitate to swing her sword against those who she judged to be her enemy.

It was not unusual for her to become a blood-crazy Empress, given her cold appearance.

For Kim Hyunsung, who must lead the second round successfully, it was natural that he did not want to entrust the country to the tyrant of the first round.

However, looking at his face, I thought that this speculation had to be put aside.

There was no hatred toward her in his face.

'He may be hiding it, but...'

I had a strong feeling that he was feeling sorry for her.

The second one that can be guessed was the miserable life of Empress Charlotte.

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