Chapter 334: I Have No Shame in My Life (2)

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"Can I come in?"

"Yes, of course."

It was Lee Jihye who had come.

As if she expected that someone was inside after hearing me speaking formally, she looked a little stiff when she came in.

It was natural to have such a face as we had always maintained a businesslike relationship in front of others. After seeing me immediately, she looked at Kasugano and seemed to tell me to get rid of her quickly.

"I'm here to talk to you about business, Blue Vice Guild Master."

As I nodded roughly, I saw Yuno Kasugano getting up. She probably thought that now was the appropriate time for her to leave. I definitely liked that about her.

If it were Jung Hayan here, she would have insisted on staying. Even Cha Hee-ra would do the same. If Cha Hee-ra were here, Lee Jihye herself would have gone back.

Except for having a slightly strange taste, Yuno Kasugano fell within the category of extremely normal people, at least.

"Then I'll be leaving, Blue Vice Guild Master."

"Yes, Yuno Kasugano. You've worked hard."

After showing a smile at my farewell, Yuno Kasugano left lightheartedly. Lee Jihye's face became a little sulky when she saw a big smile on Kasugano's face.

"Seems to be in a good mood."


"The woman who just left, not you. Yuno Kasugano of the Yozora Guild. She looked very satisfied, and recently, Jung Hayan seemed to have a similar face... Is there any fun story going around without me knowing? No, more importantly, do you remember what I said?"


"Can we trust that woman?"

I saw a face looking at me with piercing eyes.


It was no wonder that I, too, looked closely at her face. For some reason, she had overlapped with herself in the black world.

'It's really amazing.'

It was almost impossible to survive in the tutorial dungeon with Lee Jihye's specs. No, considering her personality, she must have done her best to survive at all costs.

'Who knew she would pop out of the brigade suddenly?'

If I were to think about this carefully, she didn't meet Jung Jinho in the tutorial dungeon. This was because it seemed like Jung Jinho, the psychopath killer, had been trying to recruit me before her.

Perhaps she, too, had established herself and turns.

'She is said to be my soul mate, right?'

I didn't know how long she and I worked together in the first round, but it would have been a very long time. This was because we had been wearing the same mask, and I, in the black world, would have judged her to be useful.

So was Jung Hayan and Lee Jihye.

Even Sun Hee-young and Yuno Kasugano were also related to me in the first round. Human fate really was amazing.

'Was her purpose of joining the brigade, revenge, too?'

There were plenty of possibilities.

Psychopath killer Jung Jinho and his gang were originally a group of crazy people, but Lee Jihye and I were basically gray humans.

It meant that she might've had a reason to reject me, too.

Of course, I didn't know why, but I thought it would be most likely that.

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