Chapter 252: A Quick-witted Swan (2)

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"You mean that that little boy named Max has the skills to make it possible, Oppa?"

"Yes. It's still impossible to use all the functions of the museum. The core devices that made up the system are still out of my control. The management level is still only at 4... When it reaches level 1 or 2, there may be another way. In fact, I wasn't very interested in other features. I've been concerned about the magic hologram since the first time I saw it."

"This technology definitely... doesn't exist on the continent. It is understandable. I would go crazy over it, too. Even so, many guilds studied that area after you gave such a hard time for all the reporters in Lindel..."

"No. I was thinking of getting help from guilds who were already conducting this type of research. What they have is literally just technology, which won't be enough to commercialize it."

"Isn't it rather disadvantageous to get help from others like this?"

"No. Actually, it doesn't matter if I leak the video technology. Of course, the later they get, the better it'll be for us, but the important thing is not the video, but from where we send it."

"Ohhh. The control tower is in the museum."

"Correct. Anyway, we'll still have control because this is not an interactive communication like SNS. It won't be impossible if Max does it, but... I don't even think it's necessary. There's nothing like a fool box to fool the public. Since ancient times, the nobles have made use of this."

"They did. Spreading celebrity scandals and passing by the law from behind... Making stimulating broadcasts makes people fools... Would they call the public "the brainwashed" for no reason?"

"That's ridiculous. Brainwashed, my ass. They're customers who bring us valuable license fees."

"Somehow, that sounds even more disturbing."

"You're mistaken."

I didn't know if they wanted me to discuss this further with Lee Jihye, but the Guild Masters left after the conversation's crucial part ended. This only symbolized just how much they had grown to trust us over the course of time.

In fact, it was natural that Kim Hyunsung had delegated full authority to me, as the museum control device was owned by an individual, not by Blue. He wasn't an idiot.

I knew more than anyone else how much money this would cost as well as its eventual impact. Nevertheless, seeing that he didn't say anything to me, he certainly didn't seem to be greedy.

Even if I were to think about it a hundred times, I was right to choose him.

Anyway, Kim Hyunsung left all of this work to me, as did Park Yeon-joo with Lee Jihye.

This was the reason why she and I were having this conversation.

Of course, in Lee Jihye's case, she was not entrusted with full authority like me. However, this was still great.

This was possible because not only did Park Yeon-joo trust her, Lee Jihye met all expectations.

Jihye took a sip of her tea before speaking once more.

"So, how much will you do?"


"I was given permission not to care about the investment cost. It seemed that our Guild Master would like to board with you at any cost. The guild executives are also on the same page... You know, without saying, that the Black Swan has high expectations for me, right? Oppa?"

"So, right now, you are asking me to save your face, right?"

"Directly speaking, yes. I think I deserve enough. So far, I've accepted everything you asked for. No matter how much I feel for you, I don't think I'll feel so good if you don't help here. Of course, it is natural that if my authority increases, it will benefit you. It'll be a win-win."

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