Chapter 367: Light Kiyoung Said, Let there be Light: and there was Light (5)

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"Let there be light!!"

'Thank you! Elune, you piece of trash! I accept your daughter gladly!!'

[A feat that cannot be achieved has been achieved.]

[New title is created.]

[Saint of Light]

[The magic power increases by 1.]


I couldn't help but scream in an emotional manner, my fists tightly clenched.

Lee Kiyoung, the Saint of Light.

I knew better than anyone that it was not polite to refuse a gift from God.

A true believer among the believers best understood the heart of Goddess Benignore.

Looking at the miraculous things that were happening right before me, it was not unreasonable to believe that the Saint of Light title had actually been given to me.

'This is +1 magic power.'

At this moment, I believed I could find a way to raise my magic power stats to at least 60. Meanwhile, the sublime light of divine power took away my attention as it continued to shine with all its might.

It would be normal if I couldn't open my eyes because of the bright light, but strangely, the light spread out in all directions, so it proved to be very easy to see.

Elena was also looking ahead with a dazzling expression at a glorious scene that could not seem to be explained. The light had begun to surround Salit's heart.


The divine power continued to extend in all directions.

Even the word "beautiful" would be insufficient to describe this scene now.

I didn't know if it was because Elune had driven her daughter, but I certainly seemed to feel the energy of Elune from the Bomb of Light.

That was the natural result of having completed it with Elena as the catalyst, and I could only thank Elune for this feat.

I couldn't get a sense of how far the light was going, but one thing is certain: the effect was more than I expected. It might look even more dramatic because it had popped inside, not outside the body. However, it still felt amazing.

The first target, his heart, had already disappeared within the light.

'Pheeew. This is the power of light! Yes, absolutely!'

[Attack of the legendary-grade dungeon, Twisted Pond completed.]

[New title is created.]

[Guardian of the World Tree.]

[The magic power has increased by 1.]

'Earned +2 magic power! Hurrah, Yipee!'

The dungeon attack had completely ended with the last blow. The ending was too futile for a semi-mythic-grade monster.

While my legs hurt quite a while, perhaps because of the influence of the light, I could feel them eventually getting better.

I thought of eating meat immediately because of my hunger, but I was not in a hurry, and it was all thanks to the hard work of various things.

Naturally, I opened the status window with happy news. It seemed to have been opened after a while, but it didn't change all that much.

[Checking the status window and talent levels of the player Lee Kiyoung.]

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