Chapter 304: Tiger's Mouth (2)

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Shaolin's face was filled with perplexity.

Her face seemed to ask, 'What is this bastard doing here?' She also seemed unable to respond to the sudden flattery.

The big Russian and the Legion Mage, Jin Qing, looking over here, were observing us with an excited expression.

They had noticed that we already knew each other.

"Is he a customer?"

Jin Qing didn't say anything, but I could hear Valentin muttering alone in a tone of disappointment.

I didn't know why he was disappointed, but one thing for sure was that we had to get out of this place quickly.

Only when I held Jung Hayan's hand tightly as if telling her to calm down that it felt like her breathing was a little more stable.

'She's not jealous.'

She was also extremely stressed.

Since three strong people in the room were at her level just by looking at them, she was worried that my safety might be compromised.

Looking at her with her head down and mumbling without paying attention to me, I thought she was doing some sort of image training, but it seemed like she was preparing for a situation if anything were to happen.


"I'm sorry for the late contact, Shaolin-nim."

"It's not enough to say it's too late. I'm sure I told you. That if you don't keep your promise, I don't know what I would do."

"Of course, I also wanted to contact you, but as you know, the State has suffered a series of serious incidents over the past time. I've tried everything I could, but I didn't have time... It was very hard for me, too."

"I don't know... I thought we bumped into each other earlier, but I think that was my mistake. And, if you're here to see a lady, it's good manners to come alone, but why did you come with a woman? Besides, how did you know I was coming here?"

'Fuck... I didn't think about that.'

I had made a mistake on my first line.

Instead of 'You don't know how much I've been looking for you,' I should have used lines like 'What a coincidence.'

She had a reproachful tone of voice, thinking that I'd pried into information about the foreigners of the Republic.

Even Jin Qing looked perplexed. They might have thought that I was paying attention to their movements.

Of course, it was nothing like that. I just came in by accident, and I just met Shaolin by accident.

However, it would be natural for these people to be suspicious that someone powerful from the State had entered such a place outside the city.

They thought I might have had a purpose.

"Perhaps you mistook somebody else for me. It was also a coincidence that I came to this place. Anyway, you're still the same."

"You, too. You still have that mouth. You still sing a different tune. You say it's a coincidence that you have just entered here among the many places? I don't know how you got here, but you know it doesn't look good to you, right? Even if it's a good customer, he'll become an uninvited guest if he comes too suddenly. Of course, I don't really care, but I'm curious about what my friends will think... I don't think there's anyone around, considering you came confidently. I think I'm looking at a herbivore that walked in on his own to be eaten... What should I do? Shall I eat it?"

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