Chapter 211: An Ominous Feeling (3)

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'Yoo Ahyoung...'

Of course, she was my number one recruitment target.

Although she had no class job yet and her attribute hadn't even blossomed, she certainly had the merit. The talent level of her strength was heroic, and her stamina was legendary.

I didn't feel like her disposition would suffice as a front liner, but I knew it would be possible if I brought her to Blue and trained her intensively.

'Although she is a little passive...'

As the number of trainees was large, their dispositions were also very diverse. If I categorized it largely, there were about three.

- Those who wanted to move by themselves.

Most of the attack teams belonged to this side.

Because they were the ones who were most aware of what they should do and what would happen from now on, these kinds of humans seem to try to do everything on their own. Besides lectures and set training, they divided their time and moved actively.

- Those who only did what they were told to.

In terms of proportion, this had the highest percentage. They worked hard in lectures and education, and they worried about the future, but they did not show much effort after training or education time was over.

- Those who were not worth feeding.

Lastly, we had the garbage that was not worth mentioning. They had no enthusiasm, no achievement, and were the garbage scum of the education center.

We could say that most of them would end up in the slums or would just worry about making a living after their education was over.


To be precise, Yoo Ahyoung was a character lying between the second and third.

Although she seemed like she was of the third type, she had strangely been catching up in terms of progress. Her training performance wasn't bad, as if she was determined to show that her strength stat was legendary.

Honestly, if she weren't talented, I wouldn't have paid much attention to her.

'But because she has talent...'

It was important to have talent in any way possible for Blue's sake.

A year had passed while living at Kim Hyunsung's party. While looking at many characters' talent levels and status window, a thought had begun to manifest itself in my head.

Surprisingly, finding people with legendary talent levels was a common occurrence.

It was natural to feel that way.

Park Deokgu and I were the only ones who didn't have such natural talents within Kim Hyunsung's party, and the people I met and saw each time always had something special to them. If it wasn't their talent level, it was their special attribute or class. Therefore, my standards had naturally risen.

However, after arriving at the education center, I noticed that there weren't many people with legendary-grade talents.

'Come to think of it, Cho Hyejin herself didn't have a legendary-grade talent.'

Even if one had heroic-grade stats, they could be strong enough. There was a difference between the heroic or lower-grade level and the heroic or higher-grade. However, the heroic-grade meant that you could at least up your stats to 90.

'If I think that way, I am not bad, either.'

Anyway, the important thing was that she was a talented person.

Regressor Instruction Manual (PART 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora