Chapter 16 - New Roommate

Start from the beginning

I smiled at him and asked if he needed help to unpack his things.  He shook his head and said, ‘No, I’m good.’  We let go of each other and I headed toward the living room.  I grabbed the small bag and headed towards the couch.  Once I was sitting and being somewhat comfortable I got the ball out of the bag and started throwing it against the wall.

I was so caught up in my little game that I never noticed Jason standing against the door frame to the bedroom looking at me.  I was having fun, doing little noises with I caught the ball in victory, booed when I would miss it and had to get up and go get it.  It really was entertaining.  But in a very sad way, I wondered how many people were just so bored that they would do this to entertain themselves.

When Jason cleared his throat that is when I realize he was done unpacking.  ‘How long have you been standing there?’ I asked him.

‘Long enough to hear you counting when you catch the ball.’ He said while trying not to laugh.

‘Well, it makes it more fun that way, you have to beat your best score.’ I simply answered.

He came to sit next to me on the couch, while I resumed my amusing game. ‘I can’t believe I’ve never thought about this before.’ I said out loud but more to myself.

‘What were you doing before?’ Jason asked.

‘Honestly?’ I turned and asked him.  He nodded so I answered honestly, ‘I would lye down and stare at the ceiling, play a game by myself, read a book.  I don’t have lots of them but I read them a lot.  Also my aunts had giving me magazines, but they are really old so you have to be careful when you turn the page.’ I answered while shaking my head and feeling embarrassed.

‘Wow, ok, we need to find you some new hobbies.’ He said with a grin on his face.

‘Well I do go to parties, Laura lets me know when and where and I go to her house eat diner, get ready and we leave.  I believe that counts as something fun.’ I answered him with a smile.

‘Ok, that one’s fine, but the others, you need to have fun.’ He said.

‘I like school, school is fun.’

‘Wow, you are the first person I have ever met that said that.  You like school?’ he asked.  I nodded in return, all he said was, ‘Wow’ while shaking his head.

‘Speaking of school, tomorrow is Monday, so I’m sorry in advance when or if I wake you up.’ I informed him.

‘Don’t worry about it, I’m here if you want or need me.  Also, I’ll need to go too the library and write up some resumes to find a job.’ He said.

‘Ok’ I got up and went to the kitchen.  I opened a couple of doors before I found what I was looking for.

I walked back to Jason and held out my hand.  He extended his arm and opened his hand and I let drop the extra key for the apartment.  ‘You’ll need this.’ I told him with a shy smile.

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