when stasia gets a job on the set of the movie "red, white and royal blue," she happens to cross paths with the one and only.
"when you lay by my side
(Book Three) Y/n and Marty are stuck in 1955 after the flying DeLorean get's struck by lighting, and sent to the year 1885. Marty and Y/n get the help from the 1955 Doc...
In a world where finding your soulmate is a mission, but it's so hard, you get two hints. One a soulmark that all your soulmates share and their initials, the initials i...
(Book Two) Y/n Cornelia Brown and Marty McFly, are confronted by Doc Brown. Doc urges them to go back with him to the future (2015 to be exact). When things go array can...
After completing high school and college, Han Seo Jun moved out of his house and lived alone, where he got to focus on his career of becoming an idol.
Ji Hyun Joo, a wom...
Welcome to a world of funny memes... where Minecraft takes over. If you are looking for clean, cuss-free, strictly Minecraft memes, then you need not look further down.
After returning to 1985, Marty finally gets the chance to show the love of his life, Y/n Cornelia Brown, around a 1985 Hill Valley. With Doc and Clara, traveling through...
Leo is an over thinking,hopeless romantic inlove with 10 months relationship boyfriend Mathew but with his actions is becoming sick and tired of him.She wasted her first...
Extremely bored and looking for a good book to read OR do you want to share a book that is SUPER underrated?
This is where it's at!
Now that I've marked my well over 10...
Sonic, Amy, and Tails continue to adjust to their lives at citizens in a big town. Sonic and Amy go under new names in...
Diana McCartney. One year younger than her older brother Paul.
After being left with her father and two brothers after her mother died, interesting things start to happ...
Once upon a time, there was this girl, her name was y/n. Like all the other girls at school, y/n was very pretty but she didn't know that herself.
Shawn Peter Raul Mend...