My Haunted Past

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Copyright © 2012 Chantal Fredette

All rights reserved.


My Haunted Past

Chapter 1

I woke up with a scream, only to realize it was my own. My shirt and shorts were soaked. I had sweat coming down my face, and down my back. I looked around in a panic, making sure I didn't wake anybody up. Of course that was impossible, I lived alone in my one bedroom apartment. It had almost been a year now since I lived here. But the dreams never left.

I got up, and started my way to the kitchen. You'd think that after almost a year that the dreams would calm down or that they would have stopped. I did get used to them, to a degree, but some memories just sneak up when you lease expect it.

It was never dark in my apartment, I always kept some lights on, just in case. Also I had a bag under my bed with clothes and money, if I needed to leave in a hurry. Every day and night, I still lived in fear.

As I turned the corner for the kitchen, felt my self relax, everything was just as I left it. I grabbed myself a glass from the cabinets and filled it with water from the sink. I couldn't afford a lot; food was at a minimum and couldn't afford any luxuries. I was 17 years old, some people would think I was living out of a shoe box, for me, this was paradise.

I put my glass in the sink and went to sit on my couch to look out the window. Everything in my apartment was old, and barely in one piece. The couch was used and old but perfect just to sit down. When my aunt gave it to me, I told myself I would sleep on it to save money. Well the next morning my back hurt so damn much that now I knew, just sit on it don't fall asleep. I slept on the floor for a couple of months after that until I had enough money to buy any kind of bed. The floor wasn't so bad though, I was lucky it had carpet so it wasn't too hard.

I looked at the time, 3:34A.M. Cursing at myself, and knowing that I would never be able to fall back asleep, nor did I want to.

''Thank God it's Friday" Today like every week day, I had school. I was still in high school, my last year. I was so happy, well I was more excited for my birthday. I would turn 18 years old. Meaning I would be an adult, be in control of my life, do what I want to do and wouldn't have to go back to my old life.

Every time I looked out the window, I'd think of my past. I ran away from home, many times. But this time was different, I had help. My aunt helped me with choosing a new name, a new city and a new school. She always says 'school is important, it will bring you far'. Every month, in the middle of them month, I would receive an envelope with money inside. On the envelope only my address was written. My name was never written anywhere. But I loved my new name, Leah Kingston. I loved it because I got to pick it.

My aunt was the only person I missed from my old life, I didn't have friends, I wasn't allowed. I didn't have any other aunts, nor did I have uncles or cousins. I didn't have brothers or sisters but I thanked God for that everyday. It would have been so much more complicated.

I couldn't think about my life at home in Thunder Bay, so obviously didn't talk about it either. Well not my real past anyways.

Now living in Toronto, I had a lot of friends, girls and guys. But no one knew where I lived. I never brought anybody home. The story was my mom and I lived in an apartment but she was very strict so no one could come over. My friends didn't really understand but after asking a few million times and me always saying no they eventually stopped. That made it easier for me and made me so happy that I could relax a little.

I didn't want people to see where I lived and how it looked. My clothes were one thing, they looked good, unlike my place. But mostly, why I kept everyone out was so no one could get hurt. If they found me at home and someone was there with me, they would get hurt. I couldn't risk that. I was born in an environment where there is so much tension and you have to walk on eggshells all the time. I was used to it, I know if I had to go back, I'd try to survive but I don't think anybody else could.

I looked back at the clock 5:37A.M. 'Shit time went fast' I got up, and check the locks again. Making sure everything was lock. Went to the bathroom to take a shower. I closed the door and locking it. I hated taking a shower. I always got so nervous so I always made it quick. In less than 10 minutes and I was out. I blow dried my hair and straiten it. My long brown hair was past my shoulders, so it always took more time to do anything with it. It didn't bother me, I actually loved doing my hair. Did my make up, which wasn't much, blush, mascara to bring out my green eyes and lip gloss. I looked at the time 6:15A.M.

Went back in the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. When I was done, I did my dishes and started to get ready for school. I had to bus, couldn't afford a car, but I didn't mind. As long as I was at school by 7:15A.M.

When I was ready I left, making sure to lock my apartment door. I had three locks on my front door, trying to convince myself that I would be safer with three instead of one.

I got to school and my friends were already there. When they saw me, my best friend Laura came running towards me.

'Guess what!' she said, and I could tell she was excited.

I turn my head to one side and looked at her a bit worried, it was never a good thing when she was excited about something, especially early in the morning. 'What? What did you do or what's going on?'

She rolled her eyes at me and pushed her blond hair over her shoulder. 'I heard there's a party going on at James house tonight!'

'When did you hear that? It's just barely 7 in the morning.' I said, with a tone of amusement in my voice. I swear this girl had ears everywhere.

'Well Frank told Mia, Mia told Jenna, Jenna then told Christiana, and she told me. How else would I have heard?' she laughed, and looking at me like I was the crazy one.

I started laughing just by her facial expression. 'Well, sounds great, what time are we going there?'

Any opportunity to be surrounded by people was good with me. I hated being alone but didn't want to put my friends or others in danger. So every time where was a party, I would go, I don't drink or do drugs. Don't get me wrong, I did get drunk a few times but I always need to be alert so that went out the window, I did try smoking pot more than once but all it did was make me really hungry. I barely have food in my apartment so there's no point really. I just wasn't attracted to that sort of thing and I was always scarred to try anything other than that.

'Hey babe!' someone said. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. I felt an arm going around my shoulders.

'Hey Matt, how are you?' I said at the same time taking his arm off of me. I didn't like to be touched. Not if I could help it.

'I'm good, what's wrong?'

'Nothing, but I'm not your babe, I'm not your girlfriend. You know this, we talked about this, remember??' I told him a bit annoyed.

'Whatever, you know you want this, eventually you will come to your senses.'

'Sure, whatever you say...' I said rolling my eyes at him.

I looked around to see where Laura was and gave her a sign to let her know I was going in. I didn't want to be late. I didn't hate school, nor did I love it. It passed the time and that was all that was important.

*This ends the first chapter, I do hope you liked it and will keep reading. Leave me a comment, let me know what you think. If you believe it deserves it, please vote.

If you can even believe it, I have never been on Wattpad on my laptop, only my cell phone and my friend installed it, so it is sort of new.

No you won't have to wait long for another chapter that I can promise, and it will get better.

Until next time,

Bonne nuit! (Goodnight) It's after 3am here.

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