{Returning To The Mansion 2/3}

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Karl's POV~

After a few hours, I took a short break from walking.
I wanted to mentally prepare myself for going back to The Mansion, I wouldn't be surprised if it was still standing.
I got up again and continued through the woods.


I then see it.
The large gates and walls around the Manison, I notices the overgrown vines and plants around and rusted gates.
I gulp down at the nostalgic feeling of walking about up to this Mansion, I keep thinking I'd hear Sir Billiam yell out something but. . . He's dead.
I went up to the gates and realised the gates had old and dead Egg vines around the gates and lock, I easily rip the vines around the lock and then I look at the lock, I took a rock and just stared to break it down.
I watch as the lock fell to the ground, I pushed open the gate, and shut my eyes at the sound of the gate scrapping the ground.
I walk up the trail to the Manison, the overgrown plants and dead egg vines everywhere. Some seemed to try and go past the wall, maybe the vines tired to reach other people after Sir Billiam either died or. . . Something.
I walked up the Mansion, the manison was in ruins and it looked like the place was finally decaying.
I went up to the door and could look inside through the holes of the door and could see how the vines had spread through the Manison, I pushed open the door to enter my nightmare again.


The place was destroyed. . .
The vines were dead but the vines were everywhere, windows shattered, holes in the floors and it looked like war broke through.
Looking around, I could remember how beautiful and put together and now it was destroyed and decayed.
I tired to shove the memories of the events and my friends as I walked through the Mansion.


Now being able to look around, I could now see and open things that were off limits, I could now see many jewels he had, which could be the stolen money and jewels from the town, the documents and realised these were from a business he worked in and documents about him. . . Giving the money to someone?
That threw me off, why would Sir Billiam want to give up all this money, in fact, what was the fate of Butler and Sir Billiam?


I found Sir Billiam's study and I was mortified.
The walls were covered in paper with drawings off The Egg, or drawings of stick-figures seemingly ignoring the smaller stick-figure, and others had messages of strange things, maybe The Egg finally got to his head and he. . . Went insane? I went to the desk and looked at his work, he definitely had a successful business but there were files of him pulling money from his bank accounts and all of it!
I looked at it and was shocked, why would Sir Billiam need to withdraw his money? Maybe, he was caught up in stealing and took what he could?
Then I noticed something more shocking.

"A Will?!"

This man has a Will?!
I looked at the desk of papers, but I don't see anything about a Will or A Will insight. . .
Unless. . .


I walk towards the sources of the vines, I rubbed my neck at my scar as memories flooded my mind.
I slipped in the basement and saw a very dead and decayed Egg, meaning it was dead and. . . Maybe it wasn't feed in years. I walk towards the Egg and then. . .

I see a rope tied to the ceiling and saw Sir Billiam's mask right below it. . .

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